- Mon. Feb. 17 – Studio Closed for Family Day
- Fri. Mar 6 – PA Day Camp- Jazzy Jungle Theme
- Sat. Mar. 7 – Fri. Mar 13 – Parent Viewing Week #2
- Sat. Mar. 14 – Sun. Mar 22 – Studio Closed for March Break
- Sat. Apr. 4 – Parent’s Night Out – 6-9 pm
- Fri. Apr 10 – Studio Closed for Good Friday
- Sat. Apr 11 – Studio OPEN – all classes running
- Sun. Apr. 12 – Studio Closed for Easter Sunday
- Mon. Apr. 13 – Studio Closed for Easter Monday
- Wed. May 13 – Let’s Dance 2020 – June Recital Tickets on sale 7 am:
- Mon. May 18 – Studio Closed for Victoria Day
- Fri. June 5 – PA Day Camp – Once Upon a Time Theme
- Wed. June 10 – Last Day of Classes for Academic Season
- Thur. June 11 & Fri. June 12 – Let’s Dance 2020 – Recital Stage Rehearsals at the Paul Davenport Theatre (schedule to follow)
- Sat. June 13 – Let’s Dance 2020 – Recital Shows at the Paul Davenport Theatre: 10:00 AM, 12:30 PM, 3:30 PM, 6:00 PM (schedule to follow)
- Mon. June 15 – Sat. June 20 – Early Bird Registration for 2020-2021 Dance Season begins
- Fri. June 26 – PA Day Camp- Aloha to Summer Theme
NLDC Studio Gear

From now until Valentine’s Day we have a SWEET deal on our pink long-sleeved tops for little valentines: sizes 4 to 6x $26 HST included.
Besides these tops, we have a great selection of studio-branded clothing and accessories available for toddler size 3 to adult 2XL.
Adult Classes
- Adult Level 1 Tap (Beginner) Thurs 9 pm – starts March 5
- Adult Level 2 Ballet (Min. 1 year of experience) Mon 8:45 pm – starts March 9
- Adult Level 3 Ballet (many years of experience) Mon 4:45 pm – starts March 23
- Adult Open Contemporary Sat 10 am – starts March 28
- Adult Open Hip Hop Sun 5 pm – starts March 29
We have new 8-week sessions starting soon for a number of our adult classes:
Parent Viewing Week #2
Our second parent viewing week of the season will be Saturday, March 7 – Friday, March 13. Parents are invited to observe class from inside the studio for our last classes before we close for March Break. Maximum of two guests per student please.
Let’s Dance 2020 – June Recital
Please continue to keep Thursday June 11th, Friday June 12th & Saturday June 13th open for your dancer’s rehearsals and performance(s). Both the dress rehearsals and the recitals will take place at The Paul Davenport Theatre located in Talbot College on the University of Western Ontario campus. It’s an 8-minute drive from the studio.
A friendly reminder that dancers who miss 5 or more of the last 10 classes, OR the last 2 classes leading up to our June Recital, will not be eligible to perform onstage with their class. The last 10 classes in the season start around the last week of March, so please keep this in mind when registering your children for other spring activities.
Mark Your Calendars! Recital tickets will go on sale on Wednesday, May 13 via: We highly recommend that you purchase your tickets in advance; shows have sold out in previous years and seating is assigned.
Recital Costumes
All costumes have been ordered and a few classes have already been received! Costumes will continue to arrive until mid-May. We send costumes home after they are tried on in class and ask that they not be worn at home to ensure they stay in perfect condition for the show. Many costumes come with hairpieces or other accessories which must be worn with the costume if directed to do so by your teacher, so please do not take them out of the garment bags.
Almost all costumes need to be steamed before wearing, but especially the ones made with tulle. Steaming ensures that the tulle is full and un-wrinkled. Please see the front desk if you would like some instructions for how to properly steam a tulle skirt.
At our school, we order costumes only from professional costume suppliers. Please keep in mind that we order the size that most closely matches your child’s size, which also accommodates their largest measurement (girth, hips, bust or waist). It is not unusual that you will have to have some alterations done either yourself or by a seamstress if your costume needs straps shortened, or if it needs to be tighter in certain areas. For example, for taller dancers, we often have to order a larger size costume so that the dancer’s longer girth is accommodated, but that costume might then have to be taken in a bit in the bust, waist or hips. Our studio has a seamstress who we would be happy to recommend if you need one.
Summer Classes & Camps
Looking to keep your dancer moving this summer? Our summer 2020 schedule will be released before the end of February… stay tuned! The inside scoop is that we will be offering THREE weeks of summer camp for children ages 4-10 with awesome themes including: Trolls, Minions & Kidz Bop! The three camp weeks will be July 20, August 10, and August 17th.
We will also offer summer classes in monthly mini sessions in July and August for children ages 3-6, as well as SIX classes per week for adults!
Royal Academy of Dance Ballet Exams & Class Awards
We have 32 dancers preparing for the spring session of ballet exams and class awards in April with the Royal Academy of Dance:
RAD Level | Student Name |
Grade 1 | Brooke Willsie, Madelyn Pianosi, Charlotte Welk, Raya Campbell & Isabella Brousseau |
Grade 2 | Olivia Lim & Isobel Williams |
Grade 3 | Bella Watson, Emily Readings, Amelia Mirsattari, Iliana Doris, Cali Soumalias, Tristan Brousseau & Lyla Hajar |
Grade 4 | Anna Archibald, Isabella Kisiel, Ari Burgess, Ainsley Morgan, Lara Manocchi & Isabelle Chandler |
Grade 5 | Alice Liu, Nicole Jamieson & Karina Kolenko |
Grade 6 | Shaelin Hodgins, Hermione Bassnett-Martin, Stefani Doris, Ella Crawford & Sarah Arnold |
Grade 7 | Isabella Russell, Esther Jin, Kaitlyn Rowe & Lara Ross |
Keep up the great work dancers; you’re almost there! Congratulations on this milestone achievement in your training.
Inclement Weather
We would encourage all of our parents and students to like/follow us on our social media accounts:
Twitter: @NLondonDance
Facebook: @nlondondnce
Instagram: northlondondancecentre
We use these avenues to post reminders of important upcoming dates as well as studio info. In the very rare case of any inclement weather closures, we would post this information here first. We have only closed for inclement weather once in the past nine years, however the decision to come to class or not always remains with the parent’s level of driving comfort.
As always, thank you for trusting us with your family’s dance education. We know you have other choices, and we’re glad you’re with us.
Kelly Hajar, Director