McKenzie Trudgeon
McKenzie is 14 years old and has been dancing for 2 years. She is currently taking acro, tap, hip hop & contemporary. She is also going to start assisting in our children’s program this fall.
Q: Why did you start dancing?
A: I started to take dance classes because originally, I was in gymnastics & I wanted to keep my flexibility. I also wanted to become a better performer on stage.
Q: What is your favourite part about dancing at North London Dance Centre?
A: My favourite part of dancing at NLDC is probably performing in the recitals. I love putting on costumes & performing for others.
Q: What are your future goals with dance?
A: I hope to be an actress when I grow up, so I will need to know how to dance in future shows. In the near future, I hope to volunteer and help out with the younger classes.
Q: What has dancing at North London Dance Centre taught you?
A: Dancing has taught me how to work with other people, who all have different abilities, and create something entertaining. It has also taught me how to work hard to achieve my goals and not give up when a new skill is difficult.
Congratulations, McKenzie, on being our Student of the Month.
Keep up the GREAT work & happy dancing!