Taylor Passmore
Taylor is 7 years old and has been dancing for 5 years. She currently takes classes in ballet, tap, hip hop, and acro.
Q: Why did you start dancing?
A: I would always dance around my house when music was on. I also really like figuring skating and Tessa Virtue, who danced.
Q: What is your favourite part about dancing at North London Dance Centre?
A: I enjoy learning new dances and the different moves in each of those dances. I have enjoyed meeting new people in my classes. My instructors are very nice and great teachers. They have taught me lots.
Q: What are your future goals with dance?
A: I want to be a famous dancer one day. I am going to keep working hard in all my dances and can’t wait to learn more!
Q: What has dancing at North London Dance Centre taught you?
A: Dancing has helped me be more confident. I have learned that practicing helps me get better each week and each year.
Congratulations, Taylor, on being our Student of the Month.
Keep up the GREAT work & happy dancing!