- Sun. Mar. 5 – Sat. Mar 11 – Virtual Parent Viewing Week #2
- Sun. Mar. 12 – Sat. Mar 18 – Studio Closed for March Break, except for March Break Day Camp
- Mon. Mar 13 – Fri. Mar 17 – March Break Camp
- Sun. Apr. 2 – Mock RAD Ballet Exams & Class Awards (Ms. Debra’s students)
- Fri. Apr 7 – Studio Closed for Good Friday
- Sat. Apr 8 – Studio OPEN – all classes running
- Sun. Apr. 9 – Studio Closed for Easter Sunday
- Mon. Apr. 10 – Studio Closed for Easter Monday
- Sun. Apr. 23 – Recital Costume Photo Day 1
- Thurs. Apr. 27 – RAD Ballet Exams & Class Awards (Ms. Debra’s students)
- Fri. May 5 – Let’s Dance 2023 (Recital) tickets on sale
- Sun. May 14 – Recital Costume Photo Day 2
- Fri. May 19 – PA Day Camp – Descendants Themed
- Mon. May 22 – Studio Closed for Victoria Day
- Sun. May 28 – Recital Costume Photo Day 3
- Fri. June 2 – PA Day Camp – The Little Mermaid Themed
- Sat. June 3 – Last Day of Classes in Term 2
- Sun. June 4 – Let’s Dance 2023 (Recital) Rehearsals
- Mon. June 5 – Let’s Dance 2023 (Recital) Shows A & B
- Tues. June 6 – Let’s Dance 2023 (Recital) Shows C & D
- Wed. & Thurs. June 7 & 8 – Let’s Dance 2023 (Recital) Shows C & D
- Mon. June 12 – Summer Mini-Session #1 Begins
- Mon. & Tues. June 12 & 13 – CDTA Jazz & Tap Exams (tentative)
- Fri. June 30 – PA Day Camp – Snow White Themed
- Mon. July 24 – Summer Mini-Session #2 Begins
Wellness Precautions
We continue to be a mask-friendly environment and encourage mask wearing in our facility, especially while in the lobby. Our studio lobby has limited seating, so please consider alternating weeks you plan to stay to observe, and having only one caregiver enter the building, especially if your class is at one of our busier times.
Virtual Parent Viewing Week
Our VIRTUAL parent viewing week starts this Sunday, March 5th and runs until Saturday, March 11th, our last classes before March Break. To view your family’s classes virtually during our special week please follow the instructions which were previously emailed to each family. Parents will be in our virtual waiting room until the teacher admits them into the classroom. It takes us a few minutes to clear the prior class and get the next class physically into the studio, so parents will see a delay from the actual class start time. Parents joining are asked to:
- Join the meeting WITHOUT VIDEO
- Stay on MUTE for the class
- Join the meeting using the last name of your dancer
- Join promptly – we will add in all virtual parent viewers as soon as we start up the class from the virtual waiting room.
March Break Camp
March Break is only 1 week away! Have your JK to Grade 5 child spend the day dancing, crafting & playing games with us! We currently only have spots left on Friday, March 17th which is our Valentine’s-themed day. $47/day. Register online:
Easter Weekend
Easter weekend the studio will be closed on the Friday (April 7), Sunday (April 9) and Monday (April 10), but OPEN for all regular classes on Saturday, April 8.
Concluding our Virtual Studio Option
We have been using Zoom as our virtual studio option since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. Effective May 15, the studio will no longer be offering the option to join our classes virtually. Students continue to have the option to book in-person makeup classes for missed lessons, within the same term, using the parent & student portal.
Tights Are Back In Stock
Need a fresh pair of tights for class, exams, or recital? We just received another shipment of pink, black & tan uniform tights! $15 a pair for child sizes & $17 a pair for adult sizes, TAXES INCLUDED! ALWAYS SIZE UP A FULL SIZE WITH THIS BRAND. Tights are not generously sized & are a final sale item/not exchangeable. A reminder that dance tights benefit from a good stretch, lengthwise and widthwise, before putting them on.
PA Day Camp Registration
PA Camp registration continues for our final three camps of the year:
- May 19 – Descendants
- June 2 – The Little Mermaid
- June 30 – Snow White

Let’s Dance 2022 – June Recital
Please continue to keep June 4-6 open for your dancer’s rehearsals and performance(s) at the Wolf Performance Hall. More details will follow.
Recital Costumes
Costumes will continue to arrive until mid-May and we will continue to send costumes home after they are tried on in class. We ask that they not be worn at home to ensure they stay in perfect condition for photo day as well as the show. Many costumes come with hairpieces or other accessories which must be worn with the costume if directed to do so by your teacher, so please do not take them out of the garment bags. If your dancer has already brought their costume home, please take a moment to print their name on the inside tag of the costume.
Almost all costumes need to be steamed before wearing, but especially the ones made with tulle. Steaming ensures that the tulle is full and un-wrinkled. Never use an iron on tulle.

Not Steamed

Please keep in mind that we order the size that most closely matches your child’s size, which also accommodates their largest measurement (girth, hips, bust or waist). It is not unusual that you will have to have some alterations done either by yourself or by a seamstress if your costume needs straps shortened, or if it needs to be tighter in certain areas. For example, for taller dancers, we often must order a larger size costume so that the dancer’s longer girth is accommodated, but that costume might then have to be taken in a bit in the bust, waist, or hips
Photo Days
All student performing in our June recital get a group class photo in recital costume which was included in your performance fees. Group photos in recital costume will take place at the studio over three separate Sunday afternoons, so we can fit everyone in. The schedule will be shared over the next week by email. Families who wish to purchase an individual pose of their dancer will also be able to order these in advance.
A friendly reminder that dancers who miss 5 or more of the last 10 classes, OR both of the last 2 classes leading up to our June Recital, will not be eligible to perform onstage with their class. The last 10 classes in the season start in March for most classes, so please keep this in mind when registering your children for other spring activities.
Summer Classes & Camps
Looking to keep your dancer (or yourself) moving this summer? Registration for our summer classes & camps is well underway! We have classes for ages 2-adult, as well as 5 weeks of summer camp for children ages 4-10.
Thank You
As always, thank you for trusting us with your family’s dance education. We know you have other choices, and we’re glad you’re with us.
Kelly Hajar, Director